Lakeland Hunting Memories: Volume One
My first eBook, available from ...
Once I'd cracked the idiosyncrasies of html formatting for eBooks, I've discovered that it's fiddly but not all that difficult to produce them. Uploading them to Amazon is even easier!!
Have a look at : Amazon : Smashwords : and other ebook retailers.- it's not expensive!! The content is from the popular website Lakeland Hunting Memories that I set up with Ron Black in 2008. It's made up of pages that are soon to be archived. This is the first one - but there'll be plenty more ...
Have a look at : Amazon : Smashwords : and other ebook retailers.- it's not expensive!! The content is from the popular website Lakeland Hunting Memories that I set up with Ron Black in 2008. It's made up of pages that are soon to be archived. This is the first one - but there'll be plenty more ...